What is WCIGT all about? – It is all about Events!
WCIGT Events
WCIGT short for Where Can I Go Tonight is the best directory of Entertainers, Venues and Events all in one place. You can find what is going on in your chosen town or expand by adding the radius mileage to broaden your horizons.
Our search results obviously depend on the quantity of events in the directory. This will increase over time as contributors place more events.
Event Category Logo Images
Each category has a logo image which makes it recognisable in a long list of results. These have been carefully illustrated by Darren Johnson to make it easy to scan a list and make quick decisions.
Search for Events
Search WCIGT by date, category, entertainers or events. Find entertainment tonight, tomorrow, this weekend or any date for the next 2 weeks then it’s an easy to use process. To get an accurate result all you have to do is input a location. The rest is set as a default date of today and all categories gathered together.
Event Categories
We have our main function, searching for events. Events are placed into the following 4 categories – Bands and Performers – Venues with Music entertainment and bar stuff – Venues with Sports on TV – Venues with Live Sport Spectating.
Within these main categories you can find live music gigs, a pub quiz, an open mic or jam, karaoke, comedy, food and drink menus and sport TV and more. These are separated in categories so you can drill down to isolate and see one type if you wish.
Browsing for Events
We have an alternative way of finding events. By using the browse events button you can find all events in a chosen category rather than by date. You can drill down further until you find what you are looking for.
Browsing by location
It does what is says on the button! Drill down by county then town and agin by category.
Browse Venues or Performers – clicking this may take a minute
Again it does what the button says. Try it, by now you will get the picture! This is where you can find venues and entertainers own listing with all their information in detail.